Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Performance at Labyrinth Bookstore, June 13, 6pm

Climate Cabaret returns to Labyrinth Bookstore for a performance of some new material, including climate adaptations of Shakespeare's Titania, and The King's Speech, along with some Sustainable Jazz.

In Climate Cabaret, theater and music combine to find comedy, poignancy and beauty in the greatest challenge of our time--our relationship to nature--both inner and outer. The earth--its needs and vulnerabilities--can be better understood if thought of as a body with surprising parallels to our own. In this cabaret of life on earth, molecules become characters, and classic songs are "climate-adapted" to speak of human folly and love for a planet.

Featured actors are Cheryl Jones, Basha Parmet, Kitty Getlik, and Fred Dennehy. Phil Orr on piano. All scripts and music by musician and naturalist Steve Hiltner, best known for his writings at